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  • E-Safety

    Online Safety

    Online safety is a term which means not only the internet but other ways in which young people communicate using electronic media, e.g. mobile phones. It means ensuring that children and young people are protected from harm and supported to achieve the maximum benefit from new and developing technologies without risk to themselves or others.

    The aim of promoting  online safety is to protect young people from the adverse consequences of access or use of electronic media, including from bullying, inappropriate sexualised behaviour or exploitation.

    The Schools' Online Safety Policy reflects the need to raise awareness of the safety issues associated with electronic communications as a whole.

    Online Safety depends on effective practice at a number of levels

    • Responsible ICT use by all staff and students; encouraged by education and made explicit through published policies.
    • Sound implementation of online safety policy in both administration and curriculum, including secure school network design and use.
    • Safe and secure internet provision by Edutech Solutions Ltd.

    Below we have listed a selection of sites which are used in school and have great age-appropriate material to educate children of the potential risks to them when online. Please take a moment to look, as they have some great information for parents.

    St Joseph’s RC Primary School Online Safety Policy 2021

    Our Online Safety Policy has been written from a template provided by Herefordshire Council's Learning and Achievement Service which has itself been derived from that provided by the South West Grid for Learning. It has been agreed by the senior leadership team and approved by governors.

    Our Lead teacher for Online Safety (Mr Patel) and named governor (Mrs Poynton) take responsibility for Online Safety.
    The  Online Safety Policy and its implementation will be reviewed annually.

    For information on the Online Safety Policy, follow this Link: Policies Page

    The policy includes our Acceptable Use and Online Safety rules documents which both parents/guardians and children need to sign.