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  • School Council

    Our School Council represents the views of all our pupils. It gives children the opportunity to make their voices heard and feel part of the whole school community.

    The aim of St Joseph's School Council is to enable our pupils to have a 'voice'. This means that when important decisions are being made about our School, they will be able to speak on behalf of the pupils.  For example: they may be asked to help with the interviewing of new staff; changes in the way play-times are organised and other issues relating to school life.

    The current School Council is made up of representatives from each class from Reception to Year 6. A school election day is held in September and pupils are asked to complete their own manifestoes to present to their peers. A ballot box is then placed in each class and pupils are asked to vote.  The election results are then announced as part of our Golden Assembly on the Friday and the children receive their official badge and are congratulated on behalf of the whole school community.  

    The School Council meet regularly with Mrs Francis to share  ideas  on how to make St Joseph's even better! They also provide feedback to other  members on view points from their class mates.  

    The School Council are also responsible for organising fundraising events to  help raise money for charities  and whole school outings, as well as other fun events such as- our up and coming... St Joseph's Got Talent!