In Key Stage 1, the children are assessed at the end of Year 1 using a Government Statutory Assessment Tool known as the Phonics Screening Check. This screening check confirms whether the child has learnt phonic decoding to an appropriate standard and will identify sounds needing further consolidation in Year 2. The children are assessed one to one by the reading leader, who is a familiar adult to the children. The children are asked to read a mixture of real and alien nonsense words.
The ‘alien’ words are always presented with a picture of an alien, so that the children know that they are not real words that they might recognise. They are very familiar with this concept and practise it every day during our Read, Write Inc. phonics sessions. See picture below for an example of how the check is presented.
Each child is taken through the screening check by a familiar teacher on a one to one basis. This will be in a quiet area and there is not a time limit.
The results of the check will be issued with your child's end of year report.
The standard threshold pass mark for previous phonics screening checks has been 32/40. The threshold is always released shortly after the phonics screening check has taken place.
Any child that does not reach the standard threshold will sit the screening check when they are in year 2, with the following year’s cohort of year 1s.
The government requires that the check must be taken during a specific week in June. This academic year it will take place the week beginning Monday 10th June 2024. A pupil may only take the check the following week if they were absent during check week. If a pupil doesn’t take the check during this period and returns to school after the two week window, they must be recorded as absent.
Please read our parent information for ideas of how to support your child at home. We also have a fantastic selection of Read, Write Inc book bag books for reading with your children at home. It is important to read as much as possible to and with your child.
The check includes graphemes from all sets of sounds taught to the children since they started school. These are Read, Write, Inc set 1, 2 and 3 sounds.